That’s A Wrap!!
Today is the last day of the trip. I’m surpised on how fast the trip went, feels like i’ve been here for a month but also a day. It’s such a changing expirence! I learned many things.
First thing I learned was to NOT EAT AT EL OKTOPUS! My stomach is hating me for that right now.
Second thing I learned was no matter how careful you think you are, you are still going to get burnt.
This trip has really changed my perspective on a lot of things. I’ve learnt so much about marine biology that i didn’t know and i made so many good friends while doing it. This is a trip i’ll never forget for the rest of my life. I feel like it’s the very start in my marine biology academic career and i’m so thankful to have such a memorable expirence.
Everyone here has such a great personality and it comes together to make a fantastic group of people. There is so much laughter, teasing, joking, and inside jokes that came from this trip. It was truely one for the books. I’m so happy I went on this trip and i can’t wait to see what the future holds in terms of marine biology :,)
Kristen :))
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