A New Chapter - Antonio Cortes

I remember first hearing about the study abroad program back in February. I went on a Marine Biology field trip back in 2016 with my friends at the time and we explored the biosphere in Tucson. It was an amazing experience. It was a same day trip and I discovered a hidden interest for Marine life. I’ve never seen a beach or the ocean in my life. I’ve always been interested in expanding my horizons and picking up new interests. It felt unreal to visit a new country and it is the first page of a new chapter in my life. So when the official day of departure came, my initial reaction of first seeing a new country was shocking but beautiful. I got to see where my family and ancestors originated and instantly saw why they came to the US. I then saw the ocean and couldn’t believe that there was that much water. It felt like a simulation how some parts of the world I have not explored but learned about when I was a kid. I discovered so much about the ocean and marine life within a day and am excited to learn and discover more in my week down here.


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